At the end of 2019 I was introduced to Maverick City Music. The creativity amongst the group and the words God has shared through them have been very encouraging. During the early months of 2020, these were the songs we listened to to calm Brantley. The simplest of words put together to remind us that “God will work it out”. This is the song that has been on repeat throughout the last month.
There are seasons where life feels very heavy here. In my devotional last week from Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman I was reminded that there is a purpose for every season, and God uses these seasons to strengthen us by relying on Him. (See the image below for the full devotional)

Summer is a busy time here as the kids aren’t in school, and the ministry load is the same. Both kids have been promoted for the fall. Braegan will be starting fifth grade and Brantley will be in the 4 year old class of pre-school. We have started gathering their new school supplies.

Braegan has begun working on some 5th grade math and vocabulary for the new school year. This past week she has been attending an art camp in San Juan. She is one of ten girls in her group. They meet from 3-7 each evening. They have a devotional time, snack, and learn a new skill for the evening. I am thankful for surprise opportunities like this that pop up.

Brantley is a little guy with very big emotions and a lot of energy. He’s always up for a bug hunt or to spend time with Blue Boy, one of Tyler’s puppies. Last week he went to the barber shop with Jeff to get a hair cut, he thinks he needs a hair cut everyday.

Jeff and I have been up to the usual things. I’ve been wrapping up summer team details and starting to gather details for our teams serving in the fall. Jeff has been busy maintaining the ministry vehicles and visiting different ministry sites. We celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary on July 11. Hard to believe that many years have gone by. We had dinner at a new restaurant in San Juan that was very good! We will be celebrating later in August and early September with a trip to Italy! We were last there in 2018, and we are looking forward to returning.
Ways to pray:
- health and safety
- travels during the break
- patience while parenting