The kids are back into the routine of school which has been really good for the both of them. Brantley’s Spanish vocabulary is continuing to grow, and he is becoming more independent. Recently in school they have been learning about their five senses and what they do. As you can see from the picture below, he learned about hearing with his ears. He is 2.5 today! I think we can all agree that the past 2 years have been a blur, but SO MUCH has happened.
Braegan turned 9 on Tuesday, February 8th. Each year on her birthday we take a selfie together, started the first minute she was placed in my arms.

She continues to keep busy with her Dominican school work and homeschool work. It’s really fun to witness her growth as a learner. When I went to school to become a teacher it was always with the intentions of being in the public school classroom, God had other plans. I’ve started the process of getting her curriculum together for next year already….hard to believe we’re in the second semester of 3rd grade already.
Jeff continues to keep busy. He’s been out to the barrio sites with the medical teams a few times. He has also been able to play pickleball more consistently on the weekends with his friends in Santo Domingo. Braegan requested a key lime pie for her birthday, and so Jeff has continued to perfect his recipe which we all enjoy.

I’ve been busy with gathering details for upcoming teams. The teams are more frequent and the group sizes are growing. It’s like we are slowly transitioning back into reality week by week. This past week we hosted 11 sponsor families at the guesthouse on Thursday evening. It was so encouraging to have them all visit!

We have been in the process of applying for our permanent residency since we returned to the DR last June. Yesterday, we received approval and tomorrow we plan to drive to Santo Domingo to submit the hardcopy paperwork of everything, pay the fees, and then have medical appointments with immigration. According to “the process” the results from those appointments take approximately 10 days and then we will go back to get updated identification cards once immigration sets a date. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. We’ve been in the midst of all of this since we moved here in 2013. It seems just as we wrap up one renewal, we are then gathering documents to start the process for the next year.
I also remain without taste and smell since I had Covid in September. Along with that my hearing has been weak. It’s like my ears popped with elevation change and the pressure never released. This has been frustrating, but I’ve been coping. Next week we have an ENT team at the guesthouse, and I am hopeful that we can get some answers. Please continue to pray for the return of my taste and smell and also that my hearing can improve.
I want to close with a song that has been encouraging to me recently.