We’ve been back in San Juan for 2.5 months. Our team schedule hasn’t quite panned out as we had anticipated, but we know this time is all in God’s hands. He’s been allowing us to bond closely as a family and for the kids to acclimate back into life here without the responsibilities of full time teams.
We just started week 3 of school, and both kids look forward to attending each day.

We are so thankful for the community of people who love, care for and educate Braegan and Brantley. Brantley is currently attending in person class Monday through Friday, and Braegan attends in person class Monday and Wednesday. Due to Covid protocols, the classes cannot be at more than 50% capacity. On the days when Braegan is not physically at school, we homeschool at home. So far it has turned out to be a very positive experience. It’s a good mix of independent and collaborative work between the two of us. Each week she learns a new Bible verse too, which we listen to in the car throughout the week.

Unfortunately, we’ve all been fighting sickness throughout the last month. It started with a stomach bug and now has become an upper respiratory chest and head cold. We’re all ready to feel better!
Prior to leaving the states, we were made aware from our dentist and with a consultation with an orthodontist that Braegan was in need of an expander due to crowding in her mouth. She was able to have her expander installed a little over a week ago. It definitely took some getting used to but she has learned to eat and talk with it now and is feeling a lot more comfortable.

We spent this past weekend in Santo Domingo celebrating Jeff’s 35th birthday. We got an airbnb and Jeff was able to play pickleball a couple times with his friends. We also enjoyed some delicious food and time by the pool.
This week Jeff is helping Jason and a few of the other guys dry wall the new offices at CCED. It’ll be nice for the school to have more space to work from!

Jeff and I had the honor of being a part of CCED’s class of 2021 commencement ceremony last month as well. We assisted in handing out certificates for high honors. After a year of remote learning due to COVID, it was so encouraging to participate in this day with them.

In other news, it’s been an eventful month for my family. My sister got engaged on August 22nd to Wade Hodges. They have their wedding set for Sunday, March 13, 2022 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. All 4 of us have been asked to be a part of their special day (Jeff- groomsman, Kamanda-matron of honor, Braegan- junior bridesmaid, Brantley-ring bearer).
To top off August, my brother and his wife welcomed their first child to the family. Clay Thomas Shaffer was born on Friday, August 27th. Braegan and Brantley are excited to meet their newest cousin! We are thankful for his safe arrival.

That about sums up our month, but I want to leave you with a couple pictures of the kids from the past month.
Prayer requests:
- We are still awaiting an update for our permanent residency appointment.
- We had Braegan’s appointment at the US Embassy a couple weeks ago to renew her passport, and that should be arriving any day now.
- Continued healing for our bodies
- Lydia and Wade as they prepare for marriage
- Trent and Katie as they are in the early days of parenting- for rest and patience with one another, and for Baby Clay to continue to grow and strengthen each day.