This past month has been busy, but we are enjoying the warmer temperatures and the changing of seasons. Seeing the flowers in bloom is so refreshing!
Jeff spent a week in the Dominican. It was his first trip back in a year. He was able to visit our sponsor schools and meet with the administrators. He went along with the ministry assistants to visit the communities in providing COVID relief. He organized our house and pitched food that had expired in the past year. We were thankful he was able to make this trip, and it helps us know what to expect when we return as a family this summer.

The same day Jeff left for the DR, I got a call from Braegan’s school saying her class had been exposed to COVID and she’d be quarantined. This was less than ideal timing, but we made it work. (I honestly had thought the days of school quarantine were behind us.) Braegan remained healthy, and at the end of her quarantine week I made the drive to Peoria with the kids to visit Jeff’s parents for a long weekend. It was good to get out of Fort Wayne for a bit.
Boat ride with Grandpa Park time with Grandma
Following Jeff’s return we had a week before Braegan’s spring break began. We surprised her with a trip to California to where my brother and his wife live. (This is where our time stateside started last March.) The travel there was a bit challenging, we drove to Chicago and then flew to LAX the following day. Brantley was full of energy and was awake for almost the entire flight! We had a great time catching up with them, and it was nice to be able to experience several things that we were unable to do last year due to the tight restrictions nationwide. Jeff was even able to get in a couple days of outdoor pickleball which he loved! The kids loved all of the time they were able to spend outside which is very encouraging as we anticipate returning to San Juan. Trent and Katie are expecting their first child at the end of August, so we look forward to meeting the newest addition to our family the next time we see them. The travel back to the midwest went smoother as Brantley was able to sleep a majority of the flight back.
hole in one experiment time saying “see you later”
Now that we’re back our bodies are adjusting to the time change again…especially rough for the kids, but it was worth it. Braegan has 5.5 weeks left of second grade. This past year has gone fast, and it’s hard to believe we are wrapping up her last quarter of the school year.
Both kids have their annual cardiologist appointments coming up, please be in prayer that Braegan’s pulmonary valve stenosis has continued to decrease and that Brantley’s remaining hole has closed. In their most recent well child check ups, our pediatrician told us that she could no longer hear Brantley’s murmur and that Braegan’s murmur was not as pronounced. We are thankful for their health and abundant energy.

Coming up
- Braegan is starting spring soccer tomorrow. She is excited to be outside again playing with her friends.
- We have our spring SRI board meeting on Saturday via zoom.
- Jeff has a pickleball tournament in Indy at the end of April.
Family Prayer Requests
- continued health and rest
- deciding on return travel plans to the DR for the summer
- upcoming time with family and friends