How is it August already? How have we been away from the Dominican for 4.5 months already?
We returned to Indiana last week after spending the month of July in Peoria, Illinois with Jeff’s family. We were able to connect with a few friends we hadn’t seen in a while. We also spoke at Jeff’s parents’ church about SRI and our role in the ministry. Northwoods Community Church invited us to be a part of their Dominican Partnership Team Meeting. This meeting consisted of a couple staff members, Tyler Cox, Jeff, myself and a few team members. We gave an update on COVID and how it is effecting the DR, how to best support the ministry during this time, and answered questions.
Now that we are back “home” we are gearing up for the new school year. Braegan is enrolled to start school next week where she attended last year when we were back to have Brantley. She is excited to ride the bus and see a lot of her friends she met last year. We just registered her to play soccer for the fall, and she cannot wait to start!

Brantley turns 1 next Monday, August 10. This past week has been rough for him as he has been cutting his upper molars and fighting Roseola. He had a fever for a couple days last week, small appetite, and then had a full body rash. He’s still pretty irritable, but I think we are on the mend. He keeps us laughing as he tries to keep up with his big sister.
Since Jeff and I are still stateside I have taken over some of the SRI office responsibilities. I am currently responsible for donor accounts and tracking down funds when payment information changes or there are insufficient funds in accounts. We are also getting ready to do the mailing for the Rice and Beans Challenge that will be taking place a little later this month to raise support for our Child Nutrition Program.
Prayer requests:
-continued health and rest
-Braegan as she starts 2nd grade
-the ministry of SRI amidst the pandemic